Premo Turkey Flats
Premo Turkey Flats

Premo Turkey Flats

Item #: TF010

1 Review  |  Write a Review

$4.15 $ 4.15
quantity option your price
White $4.15
Cream $4.15
Dark Dun $4.15
Medium Dun $4.15
Light Dun $4.15
Tan $4.15
Fl Chartreuse $4.15
Fl Orange $4.15


PREMO TURKEY FLATS - For upright posts and wings as described in A.K Best's book "A.K.'s Fly Box". NOTICE: The "stems" are used for quill-bodies. PLUS: Feather-fibers are used for "thorax-wing" dry flies. COLORS: (1)White, (2)Cream, (3)Dk-Dun, (4)Med-Dun, (5)Lt-Dun, (6)Tan, (7)Fl-Chartreuse, (8)Fl-Orange


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1 Premo Turkey Flats

Reviewer: from Northern, Illinois

A couple of years ago A K wrote an article about using the stems of turkey flats for dry fly bodies. Now, I do have some at home, but I wanted some white ones to dye for some March Brown bodies and thought this would be my chance. Not to be. Real Turkey Flat's are around 6" long, give or take an inch. These ones from Premo are half that at most.You could use the stems for a 20 , maybe an 18 dry, but that's about it. I'll keep them for wing post and keep looking for real Flats.

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