F-C WHITE BAITFISH POPPER KIT Fish find 'em by sound! When nothing else works, they'll hit these on top. Everything hits the F-C WHITE BAITFISH POPPER. Expect success... Ed F-C WHITE BAITFISH SOFT-BODY POPPERS are what I fish Florida inshore, the beach, and to just off the beach everywhere. POP 'EM, SLASH 'EM > BUT NEVER LET 'EM SIT STILL. Fish find 'em by sound, you'll see. EXPECT REALLY EXCITING FISHING. Bluefish, ladyfish, redfish, sea-trout, pompano (yep), jack cravellie, lizardfish (ugh), stripers, everything. I catch 'em all ON-TOP (you will too). For toothy fish, build some "shocks" like this. Use 8/9-inches 15-lb test mono class-tippet connected to 2-5/30-lb mono with a double over-hand surgeons knot. Put a loop in the 15-lb end. Leave the 2-5/30-lb end 1-8/22-inches long. Loop to loop the shock end to our BIG GAME LEADER BUTT-SECTION(page 22). Tye popper to 2-5/30-lb end with 3-turn clinch knot. F-C SOFT-FOAM BODIES are near indestructible. And ask me about the places I stay at along the Gulf with lots of easy wade-fishing. TYING INSTRUCTIONS: Tye in 5-white saddle hackles about 3/4-inch down hook-shank. The body will later cover the wraps. Build up a layer of 3/0 thread around hook-shank so the pre-drilled body hole fits snug. Leave butt-ends of hackle on, and wrap over them for a quick build up. Coat "top front-half" of thread-wraps with Zap-A-Gap. Push hook thru body hole > DON'T STOP PUSHING UNTIL THE HOOK-EYE POPS OUT FRONT OF BODY. I fish the natural-white body, and white hackle for salt. Or paint 'em with E-Z SHAPE SPARKLE BODY. For a Slider, simply turn body around on hook-shank. TUFF "SOFT-FOAM" BODIES. BLUEFISH CANT TEAR EM UP. KITS INCLUDE: Four White Soft-Foam Bodies & hooks in Size-1/0.