feather-craft FEATHER-CRAFT Whitetail Deer Hair Bleached
feather-craft FEATHER-CRAFT Whitetail Deer Hair Bleached

FEATHER-CRAFT Whitetail Deer Hair Bleached

Item #: TS006

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$3.50 $ 3.50


F-C WHITETAIL DEER HAIR BLEACHED - Bleached to a beautiful bi/color Golden-Tan for caddis wings, small hoppers, small stimulators, Chin Hair Emerger, and more. The CHIN-HAIR EMERGER can be tyed with BLEACHED WHITETAIL HAIR. Tie hair in behind hook-eye to stick straight out front of hook-eye. Wrap a hackle behind it. Run thread to end of hook-shank. Tye the emerger body and thorax up to behind hackle. Dress the hackle & hair. You'll see the little "hair-flag" as fly hangs in the surface film.


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