DENNY’S FOX TAIL STREAMER - After extensive testing in 2018, I'm probably overly excited about this fly's ability to attract and hook big trout. In 2018, it accounted for browns to 9 pounds, rainbows to 12 pounds and tiger trout to 8 pounds. They’re topped with fox or squirrel tail for realism and added movement. Fish it early and late along shoreline edges where minnows are found and see what happens. COLORS: (1)Grey, (2)Yellow, (3)Goldfish. SIZES: 6, 8
The flies offered here are simply the best stillwater patterns available. That's not an overstatement, it's true. These patterns were designed to not only catch trout in both moving and stillwater, but imitate the natural food sources big trout eat. They have been carefully crafted to simulate the movement necessary that makes a trout react. Every fly has been tested for at least one year on a variety of lakes under all kinds of conditions before being offered to the public… Denny Rickards
Fly descriptions by Denny Rickards