loon LOON Trout Plier
loon LOON Trout Plier

LOON Trout Plier

Item #: HM740

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$59.95 $ 59.95


LOON 7.5” TROUT PLIER - The perfect marriage of hemostats and pliers. More robust than any pair of hemostats, but still sized for trout. A uniquely designed cutter in the jaw allows anglers to make quick work of pinching heavy barbs (and also down to light #22’s), removing delicate dry flies, cutting braid down to 7X, clipping light tippet, crimping split-shot and everything in between. They come housed in a durable rubber holster and include a swiveled Quickdraw Tool Tether, making them easy to store on any pack, belt or even a pair of board shorts. Comfy grip increases tackiness when wet. Built in mechanical advantage. Spring keeps jaws open when un-holstered.


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