UV BADGER FLEXI SQUISHENILLE has a squishy feel that fish not only hit, they hang on to and chew. Can be wound on as chenille, twist it and let it counter-wrap on itself for an indestructible tail section, or incorporate it into a dubbing brush. UV Ice Dub is interlaced in the fibers. A very buggy BLACK CORE gives it a look like no other chenille on the market. COLORS: (1)Copper, (2)Fl-Chartreuse, (3)Fl-Cheese, (4)Fl-Fuchsia, (5)Fl-Hot-Pink, (6)Fl-Orange, (7)Fl-Red, (8)Shrimp-Pink, (9)Fl-Hot-Yellow, (10)Fl-Yellow-Chartreuse, (11)Hot-Orange, (12)Olive, (13)Olive-Brown, (14)Rusty-Brown, (15)Tan, (16)White. SIZES: Small, Medium or Large.