flymen fishing company NYMPH HEAD EVOLUTION "Mayfly Swimmers & Burrowers" Tungsten Bead Heads
flymen fishing company NYMPH HEAD EVOLUTION

NYMPH HEAD EVOLUTION "Mayfly Swimmers & Burrowers" Tungsten Bead Heads

Item #: TL047

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$6.95 $ 6.95


NYMPH HEAD EVOLUTION "MAYFLY SWIMMERS & BURROWERS" TUNGSTEN BEAD HEADS - Designed with a head profile and colors that allow fly tyers to match most species of swimmer and burrower Mayfly nymphs; oval-shaped, slightly elongated head that is gracefully curved at the front, flat at the back where it attaches to the thorax of the Insect, large, prominent oval (egg-shaped) eyes. COLORS: (1)Brown, (2)Olive, (3)Black in SIZES: X-SMALL(fit hook sizes: 16-18), SMALL(sizes: 14-16), MEDIUM(sizes: 12-14), LARGE(sizes: 10-12), X-LARGE(sizes: 8-10) (15-per pak)

NYMPH HEAD "EVOLUTION" FLY TYING BEADS - The future of fly tying is here! The next generation of modern tungsten fly tying beads enabling anglers to create fast-sinking, more realistic looking nymph patterns with more anatomically correct head profile, natural color and size proportion relative to the insect's body. NYMPH HEAD EVOLUTION is a family of tungsten fly-tying beads molded in the shape, size and natural color of the heads of the three most common aquatic insects that trout feed upon and which fly fishers attempt to imitate, namely mayflies, stoneflies and caddis flies.

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