lamson LAMSON Liquid Fly Rod Outfits
lamson LAMSON Liquid Fly Rod Outfits

LAMSON Liquid Fly Rod Outfits

Item #: LA204

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$309.99 - $359.99 309.99 359.99
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9ft 5wt Outfit (Rod, Reel, Case) $309.99
9ft 8wt Outfit (Rod, Reel, Case) $309.99
9FT 5WT Complete Outfit Left-Hand Wind (Rod, Reel, Line, Backing, Leader, Case) $359.99
9FT 5WT Complete Outfit Right-Hand Wind (Rod, Reel, Line, Backing, Leader, Case) $359.99
9FT 8WT Complete Outfit Left-Hand Wind (Rod, Reel, Line, Backing, Leader, Case) $359.99
9FT 8WT Complete Outfit Right-Hand Wind (Rod, Reel, Line, Backing, Leader, Case) $359.99


LAMSON LIQUID FLY ROD OUTFITS - Take your pick between a 5 or 8 weight Liquid rod, paired with Lamson’s ultra-reliable Liquid S reel in matching size. All poured into a protective nylon case that's ready to travel. Go all in with a fly line, leader, and backing fully tuned to this outfit and lined up if you like. The medium-fast rod casts with clean, crisp precision, and the dependable drag on the lightweight Liquid S reel rounds out these versatile outfits. COMPLETE OUTFITS Includes US made fly line w/ welded loop, backing and leader.


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