
Aqua Hair Strips

Aqua Hair Strips

Item #: TU103

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quantity option your price
White $5.95
Black $5.95
Olive $5.95
Tan $5.95
Hot Orange $5.95
Fl Orange $5.95
Pink $5.95
Fl Chartreuse $5.95
Fl Yellow $5.95
Scarlet Red $5.95
Hot Pink $5.95
Purple $5.95
Barred White $5.95
Barred Chartreuse $5.95
Blue $5.95

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AQUA HAIR STRIPS – 3” Long synthetic fur (similar to craft fur) cut into 1/4” wide by 5” long strips for tying fresh and saltwater streamers up to up to 8” long! Trout to tarpon, this material makes it so easy. Just tye-in a strip and build a collar in front of it. Add flash or eyes if you like. This fur doesn’t absorb water making it easy to cast, and swims like a snake. A natural substitute for the heavier Dragon Tails. COLORS: (1)White, (2)Black, (3)Olive, (4)Tan, (5)Hot-Orange, (6)Fl-Orange, (7)Pink, (8)Fl-Chartreuse, (9)Fl-Yellow, (10)Scarlet-Red, (11)Hot-Pink, (12)Purple, (13)Barred-Tan, (14)Barred-White, (15)Barred-Chartreuse, (16)Barred-Pink, (17)Barred-Orange, (18)Barred-Blue. 10-strips per pak/Approximately 40-inches.


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